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The Rifter is a vehicle to numerous Palladium role-playing worlds. It is a tool for Game Masters and players alike. This one is also a favorite amongst my gaming group. There's also information on spell books and magic for all settings that may be of interest as well. The Scurry Scree : This is a demonic servant that appears as a small stone carving of any animal. It watches his master's prized possessions and alerts him to intruders and thieves. The Scurry Talus : This is a larger stone carving of any animal or garden object that guards the outside of a structure or dwelling and can alert its master of intruders, or attack them.
Shameless advertising: Both of these baddies were of my creation and I've got a signed copy or two of this book available for purchase. If interested, send me an e-mail to order one. The Fall of N. The Chain Letter : We've all gotten them, the annoying, intriguing and time wasting letters promising everything from helping poor people, reading a good joke, getting good at doing something, sexy girls looking for a friend, to getting rich in an amazingly short amount of time.
This article offers an ancient evil spirit who causes misfortune to all those who do not pay her homage. Mundane Doesn't Mean Boring! The Tainted Martyr : A new P. This is another one of my articles not that I'm bragging and includes a short story and adventure ideas. I should also note that Kevin loved this article. Shameless advertising: I've got a signed copy or two of this book available for purchase. If interested, contact me for further details. This is yet another one of my articles again, not that I'm bragging.
Kids Game: Something Wonderful! Trust and Intimidation: This article goes a long in addressing making use of characters with a high Mental Affinity, and using the trust or intimidation bonus that comes with it. Rifts- Coalition Wars 2 Coalition Overkill. Rifts- Coalition Wars 4 Cyber-Knights.
Rifts- Conversion Book 3 Dark Conversions. Rifts- Dimension Book 1 Wormwood. Rifts- Dimension Book 2 Phase World.
Rifts- Dimension Book 4 Skraypers. Rifts- Dimension Book 12 Dimensional Outbreak. Rifts- Dimension Book 15 Heroes of the Megaverse. Rifts- Mercenaries.